Three Things: Safely Enjoy Your Park’s Activities this January


Sledding and Hot Cocoa presented by Stark Parks  (January 15, 2021)

Cross your fingers for snow today! If there's enough snow, bring your own sled to Petros Lake Park and enjoy some sled riding in the bowl amphitheater area. Park staff will have a limited supply of hot cocoa available from 11 am - 1 pm at the Woodland shelter near the beginning of the Mindfulness Walk trail. Note that all COVID-19 guidelines will be practiced/enforced at this program. 


Cleveland Metroparks Pathfinder (ongoing)

With over 300 miles of trails, the Emerald Necklace has many gems to explore. Use Cleveland Metroparks all-new Pathfinder powered by PNC to help guide your exploration this winter! This interactive guide to all 18 park reservations can be easily stored on your phone and taken with you as a reference point when visiting Cleveland Metroparks. Download now at


Self-Guided Game of Eye Spy presented by Summit Metro Parks (through January 17)

Hit the trail for a nature-themed game of Eye Spy! Begin by downloading or printing this month’s Eye Spy list from our "Publications & Downloads" page, then enjoy a stroll along Meadow Trail in search of plants, animals, tracks and more. Learn More.

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